Facts about Xylitol. Xylitol creates a perfect pH balance in the mouth to stimulate a healing process that can naturally repair your teeth. When Xylitol is eaten it not only brings minerals by salivary stimulation but creates an alkaline environment in which these minerals can help heal soft or damaged areas on teeth and help to rebuild and strengthen them.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Why is Xylitol "Tooth-Friendly"?

Question: Why is Xylitol considered "tooth-friendly"?

Xylitol has multiple beneficial effects, which is why it is considered tooth-friendly. Xylitol stops the acids in your mouth that attack your teeth after you eat or drink. Because the bacteria in the mouth causing caries (cavities) are unable to ferment xylitol, the bacteria growth is diminshed. Ninety percent of acid-producing streptococci and lactobacilli may be reduced with the use of Xylitol, and no acid is formed. After taking Xylitol, the bacteria is not absorbed well on the surface of the teeth and the amount of plaque decreases.

Research has shown that the use of Xylitol also helps correct some damage to the tooth enamel. Saliva in itself protects the mouth and teeth, when that saliva is a neutral pH. However, after meals and drinks, during illness and at certain times in one's life, saliva may not be neutral, or in enough supply to facilitate the protective qualities. Your saliva after taking Xylitol stimulated and is more alkaline than saliva stimulated by other sugar products. After taking Xylitol products, such as Zellies, the concentration of basic amino acids and ammonia in saliva and plaque may rise, and plaque pH rises as well. When pH is above 7, calcium and phosphate salts in saliva start to develop into those parts of enamel where they are lacking. Thus, soft, calcium-deficient enamel sites begin to harden again--strengthening the teeth, and making them more resistant to decay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Controlling the increase in volume of acid in your mouth is essential to keep your teeth from being damaged from cavities, and regular visits to your dentist (Hasbrouck Heights in New Jersey) for a more professional approach in how can you maintain your teeth. Other than maintenance, if you want to keep it white, it is recommended to avoid food and beverages that may discolor your teeth. But if it can't be avoided, you can get it whitened by the dentist in Hasbrouck Heights with their effective whitening technology.